Let them upgrade to a Premium brand that tastes better And makes them feel better And supports your mission with every cup they drink AND gives economic opportunity to those who need it. Ordered direct online so there's nothing to buy, warehouse or distribute. Hands Free! There is much more to this than meets the eye! Be sure to get full details.
Cordyceps is an ancient Chinese secret going back to ancient times. This special ingredient has a list of additional health benefits.
The smooth robust flavor is a step above what most people experience from other store bought major brands.
It comes in two flavors: 'Bold Black' or 'Latte Cream and Caramel' flavors
People love it so much the company has an 87% re-order rate.
Produced by a 17 year old debt free company.
At first taste, the common question is: "where can I get this?"
When the cordyceps can work on the body for awhile, I feel so much better!'
George H, - Abilene Texas
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